Here is a guide to the table.

List price

This is the manufacturer's list price for each model at the time the figures were compiled. The figures are shown exclusive of VAT.

Depreciation cost (Depr)

Our databank holds projected residual values over a range of ages and mileages. For a given replacement cycle, the projected RV is deducted from the price to produce an anticipated depreciation figure. This is then divided by the relevant mileage to produce a depreciation value expressed in pence per mile.

Maintenance and repair

This is the projected cost of keeping the van in good repair over the mileage stated. In addition to scheduled routine servicing, we include anticipated tyre cost and Vehicle Excise Duty. Manufacturer's standard warranties are also taken into account.


This is the gross vehicle weight in kilograms - the all-up weight of vehicles and payload to a standard formula. It gives an indication of the carrying capacity of the vehicle and identifies vans that may require operators' licensing, plating and testing (ie those over 3,500kg).

To view the Fleet Van running cost table (in excel format) click on the link below:
