Jason van Zuydam, Corporate Social Responsiblity Manager, Avis.

How was your first day?
It was great. I couldn’t believe how organised and efficient the team was.

How does your new job differ from your last role?
My previous job was more focused on the UK while now I am looking at reducing Avis’ environmental footprint across Europe.

What is the biggest challenge that you’ve faced so far?
Definitely geography! It is often difficult to gauge the particular needs of areas of the business – this also introduces language barriers.

What has been your biggest achievement?
We’ve had a number of successes, including refining our environmental data collection, promoting low-carbon vehicles and trialling internal waste management programmes.

What are you working on at the moment?
A targeted emissions reduction programme which we hope will be rolled out across Europe at some point..

What item could you not live without?
My kite boarding equipment – it is my latest obsession.