There are numerous benefits to being taught to drive economically; the most important to most of us is the fact that they can save you money. But with so many companies giving us different percentages of savings available, it is easy to be confused.

Indeed, I had my own eco driving lesson recently and I achieved an excellent improvement of 14% on my second run. But I couldn’t help thinking, is this all a game of luck?

Say for instance that on my second run I was met by a sequence of traffic lights on red and although I anticipate and slow down accordingly, I cannot prevent stopping, what then happens to my mpg?

Stopping and starting is one of the biggest wasters when it comes to fuel, but sometimes stopping cannot be prevented. Personally, I don’t think we should be measuring the rate of saving fuel on the basis that the vehicle keeps moving.

I do not want to be negative about eco driver training, in fact I think it is a valuable incentive for companies, there is valuable advice and tips to lower fuel consumption that is both practical and easy to follow. However companies that quote 20-30% perhaps need to be thinking more realistically, on an average 15 minute journey, you will probably need to stop at some point.

Working the accelerator moderately and leaving significant space from the car in front, as well as sensible gear changes can all help to improve fuel consumption, but very doubtful by 20-30%.