Product: Introduction to 4x4 Off-road Driving

Price: £595+VAT per vehicle with a maximum of three delegates

Rating: 4/5

Founded in 1995 by Selwyn Kendrick, the Introduction to 4x4 Off-road Driving course was put together in collaboration with the Agricultural Training Board and was originally targeted at farmers.

Through the years the training has evolved and become more popular with utility, bluelight and public sector fleets.

Its most recent clients have been The AA and Scottish Ambulance Service.

Nationwide 4x4 was brought by AA Drivetech 12 months ago which has seen the training sites expand from the one site in Wales to five sites now available in the UK.

“Training has become much more important now because of insurance and duty of care,” said Kendrick, training director, AADrivetech Nationwide 4x4 Division.

“If you have a tool to do your job than you need to be trained to use it.”

The course is most suited for drivers with little or no 4x4 driving experience and provides a thorough introduction to the mechanics and driving techniques needed for safe off-roading.

The course

The full-day training course is split between morning classroom-based learning and then an afternoon practical session.

The morning strips back to the basics of off-roading, covering best practice tips on the safe operation of the vehicle and goes into detail about how different 4x4 systems work.

The workshop includes a look at the legal and insurance requirements, load distribution, weight transfer, preparation before setting off, ensuring safety and new technology advances to give delegates a thorough understanding of how to manage an off-road vehicle.

The classroom-based learning is delivered in an engaging and interactive format.

The trainer asks the delegates questions and supports the information with real-life scenarios and examples to help illustrate what to do in situations when you stall on cliffs, roll backwards or get stuck.

“Always remember you have twice the traction of a two-wheel drive vehicle, but not twice the brakes,” said Kendrick.

“It’s all about balancing power to get the right amount for the job.”