What has been your biggest achievement in your current role?

As I have only been at Europcar for seven months, it is obviously pretty early to make any comments on achievements.

Nevertheless, I am very proud of our ‘freeDeliver’ advertising campaign, which is the first in our history in the UK. It separates us from the competition and is done in a nice, humorous way.

Who has had the biggest influence on your career?

Probably my mother, as she believed that success could be achieved by hard work.

What is your dream holiday?

As a part of my career I lived in Asia for 13 years and visited many wonderful places.

However there is nothing to beat a good game of golf at St Andrews, where it is always a little bit windy.

Who was the last person you received a text message from?

My son, thanking me for buying him dinner again last night!

What is your favourite sitcom?

Only Fools and Horses and, as they say, “one day, Rodney... I did not believe I would be in car rental”!

What is your favourite film?

My wife would say I am not a great film watcher and would prefer country or property programmes.However, if pushed, some of the Humphrey Bogart classics are wonderful.

What three things would you take with you to a desert island?

A telephone to call for my Europcar ‘freeDeliver’ sub-aquatic vehicle, a golf club to practice my sand shots and an i-Pod for music. Funnily enough, Gonna Make You Sweat is a favourite right now.

When was the last time you took public transport and where were you going?

Yesterday, when I travelled to our Leicester office to attend our customer experience meeting. There in an hour – fantastic.

What is the first thing you would do if you were made Prime Minister for the day?

Reduce the amount of overheads involved in Government, starting with MPs and the House of Lords, to a slimmed-down, more agile version.

What is the first thing you would buy if you won the Lottery?

I would set up or fund a children’s home in some of the poor parts of Asia as I saw so many instances of extreme poverty during my time there.

What has been your biggest mistake in business – and what did you learn from it?

As a young man entering management, not spending more time listening, and giving everyone the opportunity to input. Sometimes you are in too much of a hurry.

What is your best childhood memory?

Playing golf as a part of a Championship School in Scotland against the equivalent in England, Ireland and Wales in the Aer Lingus Schools Golf Foundation at Portmarnock.

More recently, I had the opportunity to take my son there for the first time in 37 years and it was wonderful, even though I lost.

What is your favourite dish at a restaurant?

I am very fond of all Asian food because of my time spent there and in particular Japan – sushi and sashami would be real favourites.

How would you describe your leadership style?

Lead from the front, walk the talk and get the team on board.

When did you last feel guilty about the environment?

Yesterday when I took the train to Leicester, but I did have a little side objective which was to get up to date on my emails on the Blackberry.

Who was your childhood hero?

My father, as one of the best-known transport people in Scotland, recognised for hard work and the highest levels of integrity. I respected him very much and still do.

Which superhero from comics would you most like to be?

Roy of the Rovers. As a Man Utd fan, it must be an incredible sensation to play in front of 70,000-plus people.

What is your dream car?

Got to be a top-of-the-range Aston Martin.

Has there been a pivotal moment in your life?

The birth of my son was the most incredible thing I have ever seen and watching that child grow up and start to build a career is just wonderful.