Carsharing platform Liftshare has celebrated a milestone after taking one billion miles off UK roads by encouraging people to share their journey and working with employers to find smart transport solutions. was founded over 21 years ago by Ali Clabburn, a student in Bristol who was looking to get home to Norfolk, having spent his money on going out. He posted a note on the student union pinboard and the rest is history.

The platform recently welcomed it’s one millionth member, with each of its regular sharers saving on average £1,000. Every day, these sharers are saving around 1 million miles. 

While the first billion took 21 years to achieve, the rate of growth for Liftshare means that it will take less than three years to achieve its next billion miles. Liftshare’s work could be saving 10% of all commuting miles in five years’ time.

Alongside the public network, where anyone can sign up and find matches going their way, Liftshare also offer private schemes for businesses to help their staff travel more sustainably.

This is where the majority of its growth has come from, with some of the biggest employers in the UK such as Amazon, Ocado, BT and Heathrow setting up schemes to help their staff travel more sustainably.

A company’s potential savings by using the platform can be enormous, it says, with it currently saving businesses a combined £20 million per year. This figure comes from reductions in parking requirements and the associated costs of leasing spaces or land.

With initiatives such as Workplace Parking Levies now being considered by local authorities, reducing the amount of private parking on-site could become an urgent priority for businesses in the near future.

Ali Clabburn, founder and CEO, said: “I never imagined when I set up Liftshare over 21 years ago that we could have reached this incredible milestone. It feels like Liftsharing has finally gone mainstream and it’s now completely normal to share your journey. A million people can’t be wrong.

“Liftsharing gives people the options that they need to travel sustainably. What most people don’t realise is how flexible carsharing can be. You don’t have to share every day, do what works for you.

“A lot of people are making a conscious effort to help the environment and be greener. Liftshare is one very easy way that you can help the planet, ease congestion in your local area and save a bit of money at the same time.”