In the last year fewer pothole breakdowns have taken place than in Q2 2019. This is the lowest amount since Q3 2007, says the RAC.

Drivers, however, remain twice as likely to breakdown due to a pothole than in 2006.

Pothole accidents reduced between April and June of this year. RAC patrols attended 2,149 call-outs for damaged shock absorbers, broken suspension springs and distorted wheels. 

Simon Williams, a spokesperson for RAC Breakdown, said: “The number of pothole-related breakdowns RAC patrols are dealing with every day has undoubtedly fallen in the last three months compared to the same period last year, continuing the downward trend seen over the last 12 months.

“This is without question good news for all UK drivers as it suggests that our roads are gradually improving.”

“The Government has made more money available to local councils to carry out much-needed road maintenance and it appears this is making the difference as fewer RAC members are experiencing damage to their vehicles than they did just a year ago.”

This was down from the 3,276 breakdowns that took place in the first quarter of this year.

This totalled to 1.1% of all RAC breakdowns which is the lowest percentage share of pothole-related call-outs seen in the second three months of the year since 2016, which saw a similar figure (1.1%).

It is also a significant drop compared to the first three months of the year when the percentage share of this type of breakdown was 1.5%. The highest ever quarterly pothole-related call-out share of all RAC breakdowns was recorded in the first quarter of 2015 at 2.6%.

The 12 month-period to the end of June shows that there were 8,885 pothole-related call-outs which is the lowest figure for any 12-month period since the third quarter of 2007 when there were 8,401 of these breakdowns.

Despite the recent reduction long-term analysis suggests that as of last month the index stands at 2.05 which indicates drivers are still twice as likely to suffer a pothole breakdown issue than they were in 2006. The index has reduced steadily every quarter over the last year when a figure of 2.67 was recorded (Q2 2018).

Williams said: “We would like to see a five-year investment plan put in place which recognises local roads as a significant part of our national infrastructure and encourages pothole prevention as well as reactive maintenance.