THOUSANDS of fleet vehicles will be managed online following the launch of a new service from Citroen Contract Motoring.

The firm expects large fleets to be first in the queue to take on Interparc, its new internet-based vehicle management system.

Information available on the system will include vehicle details, length and type of contract, with information about the fleet updated each night. Fleets with maintenance contracts will also be able to track their servicing through electronic links with Citroen's dealer and approved repairer networks.

Robert Barris, national sales manager for Citroen Contract Motoring, said: 'There are clear health and safety implications for this service. If vehicles on the fleet are not getting serviced on a regular basis, it will be clear to the person in charge of the fleet. And if a driver is constantly receiving motoring fines, then that will also appear.'

Citroen Contract Motoring, which has about 22,000 vehicles on its books, expects to launch Interparc with more than 2,000 vehicles signed up.