Bodyshop L&I Eaton has signed up to Circle Leasing's Myfleet Vehicle Hire system.

MyFleet Vehicle Hire gives bodyshops the ability to book out and book in the company's existing vehicles through Circle Leasing's systems, therefore outsourcing administration for the courtesy car fleet.

MyFleet Vehicle Hire records policyholder details and recovers costs for damage, missing items, fines and fixed penalties and missing fuel on behalf of the repairer. L&I Eaton runs a fleet of 162 courtesy cars and is now taking advantage of the various suite of tools in Vehicle Hire to reduce the costs associated with such a large fleet.

Stephen Fells, group bodyshop manager explained: "We have been using Vehicle Hire for 9 months and we are implementing in our other sites as we are seeing such great improvements across the business. Transitioning to Vehicle Hire from our old system was simple. The Circle team were great, they came and trained all of our employees to ensure they were up to speed with the system and their dedicated back office team are always available for support."

"Before Vehicle Hire our customers weren’t treating the courtesy cars with respect, and more often than not petrol tanks would be returned with no fuel and the cars would be dirty and potentially damaged.

"Now our customers understand that it is their responsibility to look after the courtesy car, so we have seen a great improvement in policy holder behaviour. In cases where we need to charge the customer Circle recover the costs and recuperate the money for us.

"As we run a fleet of 162 across six sites it’s hard to keep track of which vehicles have remaining mileage on their contracts. Vehicle Hire has a great mileage tool that we use to keep an eye as to when we are close to the limit of on the cars, and we’ve found this fantastic and it saves us money at end of the contract", he said.