Ricardo Energy & Environment, working with technology partner OPUS Inspection, has launched a real-world vehicle emissions monitoring service. 

The measurement system instantaneously records in a completely non-intrusive manner, the real-world driving emissions – of nitric oxide, nitrogen dioxide, particulate matter, hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide and ammonia – from each passing vehicle.

The data recorded can be used to identify the most polluting vehicle types (i.e. buses, heavy goods vehicles, vans and cars) and their respective contributions to emissions.

A numberplate recognition device is linked to the system for vehicle identification.

“Ricardo’s new vehicle emission measurement service is a major step forward in the measurement of real-world vehicle emissions in the UK, helping our clients to improve the design, enforceability and overall effectiveness of Clean Air and Low Emissions Zones,” explains Sean Christiansen, Ricardo Energy & Environment air quality practice director.

“The capability that this new system gives us complements the extensive air quality capabilities that Ricardo offers, ranging from support and advice on pollution control policies, pollution modelling and measurements, inventory design and compilation and the development of low emission strategies.”