Ebbon Automotive’s MoDel delivery solution has enjoyed a record first half of 2023 and is on track for more than 1 million vehicle handovers this year for the first time in its history.

The 1 million projection is based on the record number of 521,952 vehicles delivered via the platform between January 1 and June 30 in a first half which has seen all previous records broken.

The record-breaking performance also suggests that the supply constraint issues of the last two years, which have curtailed vehicle deliveries across the board, have started to ease.

If achieved by the year end, reaching the 1 million mark would be a 15% improvement on the previous record, set in 2022 when, for the 12 months to December 31, 866,000 vehicle handovers were made through MoDel, which itself was a new record and a 10% year-on-year increase.

Michael Terry (pictured), Ebbon-Dacs’ head of commercial, logistics, said: “We are delighted with a record first half of the year for moDel and if, as we are projected to, we continue to run at this pace we will beat the 1 million-mark in new vehicle handovers before the end of 2023.

“This is off the back of strong organic growth which has seen new customers sign up to use the platform on a very regular basis throughout the last 12-18 months.”