A proposed new law to combat the sale of readily available technology exploited by thieves to compromise vehicle security has been welcomed by Tracker.

Some 93% of all stolen vehicles recovered by Tracker in 2022 had been taken without the key present.

At the King’s speech, at the State Opening of Parliament, the Government announced plans to make it a criminal offence to possess, make, modify, supply or import technology used to steal cars with a maximum jail sentence of five years.

This includes devices that intercept keyless car fob signals and tools that jam GPS tracking technology.

Mark Rose, managing director of Tracker, said: “We have been reporting on the increase in keyless car thefts for many years, but more so recently as the frequency has been accelerating at an alarming rate.

“In the first half of this year, we recovered nearly 40% more stolen cars than in the same period in 2022, with almost every vehicle having been taken without the criminals having possession of the car keys.

"It’s fair to say that keyless car theft is now an everyday occurrence, with thieves using multiple means to overcome the very technology meant to protect vehicles from being stolen.

“This is because the tools used to do this have become incredibly easy to obtain and can be operated by even the most inexperienced thieves.”

Relay attack is an extremely common keyless car theft technique. This is when two criminals work together using an electronic relay to intercept a short-range key fob signal, usually when the key fob is within the victim’s home. 

Another relatively new method is the hacking of a vehicle’s controller area network (CAN) bus or circuit board to disable locking and alarm systems.

Both methods enable thieves to gain entry to a vehicle and drive off within seconds.

GPS jammers are also frequently utilised by thieves. These inexpensive devices are used to disrupt signals to and from GPS satellite devices, essentially allowing a stolen and tracked vehicle to disappear off the radar.  Tracker’s VHF with GPS/GSM technology makes its stolen vehicle recovery units immune to GPS jamming.

Rose continued: “Robust laws that crack down on people supplying and buying these devices is long overdue.

“If this new legislation makes it harder for thieves to get hold of the technology in the first place and sees those caught possessing them being given a jail sentence, it should go a significant way in tackling the problem.”

Tracker works in partnership with every police force across the UK to assist in the battle against organised vehicle theft rings.

It also supported the National Police Chiefs’ Council’s (NPCC) announcement earlier this year that it was working with the Home Office to identify ways in which legislation can stop the sale of devices that are assisting thieves to make keyless thefts.

Tracker’s top tips for vehicle security

Protect your key fob: Keyless car theft works through a relay-style electronic device tricking your key fob signal into thinking the key is near to the car and then the device can assume all key fob power.

To prevent this, keep the key – and the spare too - away from where the vehicle is kept when not in use, and block the signal by keeping the key fob in a closed tin or Faraday bag.

Switch off and lock up: Never leave your car running idle and unattended, even when defrosting windscreens and windows on a cold morning.

Make life difficult: Fit security posts or a substantial gate if parking on your drive, physical barriers will make thieves think twice.

Don’t advertise your stuff: Never leave your belongings on show, lock them in the boot or take them with you.

Keep paperwork indoors: Don’t store car documents or spare keys inside the car as it makes it easier for thieves to sell it on.

Plan for the worst: Take car security measures to protect your car from being stolen in the first place, such as installing security lighting where you park your car and using a steering wheel lock.

If criminals find a way to steal your car, having a vehicle tracker fitted can help the authorities to recover your vehicle.