ECU remapping

Is it a ‘quick win’ or in the ‘harder to do’ category?

Quick win.

What are the potential savings (monetary and/or CO2)?

BT Fleet’s engine remapping has been proven to deliver fuel savings of up 16% and up to 25% reduction in CO2 emissions.

What are the steps to introduce it?

Check if the vehicle can be remapped. If it can, BT Fleet can arrange for it to be done alongside other scheduled repairs. The process takes less than 30 minutes and requires no other action by the driver to start delivering immediate results.

How can potential hurdles be overcome?

Not all engines can be remapped, but this can be easily determined at the outset from the vehicle make, model and registration data. Each ECU remapping comes with an insurance-backed guarantee and retains all original settings on file. There is no reduction in engine life expectancy or invalidation of warranty.

Source: BT Fleet

Greener driving

Is it a ‘quick win’ or in the ‘harder to do’ category?

Quick win.

What are the potential savings (monetary and/or CO2)?

Savings can be made both from a financial and CO2 perspective. Eight Marshall Leasing employees who took the Energy Saving Trust’s smarter driver training course had projected annual savings of £2,968 in fuel and 5,347kg in CO2. Applied to a fleet of 50 vehicles, this could equate to £31,454 in fuel and 56,645kg in CO2 over a year.

What are the steps to introduce it?

Confirm the drivers who will be taking part and then get in touch with the EST.

How can potential hurdles be overcome?
This approach does rely on drivers being motivated. Regularly reminding staff about the benefits of smarter driving can help – particularly if they are likely to save money themselves through reduced fuel bills.

Source: Marshall Leasing


Is it a ‘quick win’ or in the ‘harder to do’ category?

A mixture of both.

What are the potential savings (monetary and/or CO2)?

Telematics provides a wealth of previously unseen information. Findings from our recent survey show that 70% of drivers believe they could reduce their fuel consumption if they were financially incentivised to do so. The results of the survey suggest a typical fleet of 50 vehicles could easily save £10,000 simply by incentivising all drivers to reduce their fuel spend by 5%.

What are the steps to introduce it?

Installation of a telematics system in fleet vehicles and change of driver policy.

How can potential hurdles be overcome?

Drivers are becoming more accepting of the use of telematics. However, you must have their ‘buy in’ from the offset, so educating drivers on the benefits of driving more efficiently can help secure the use of telematics.

Source: ALD Automotive