Devon County Council publish the latest report on education, training and publicity for young and emerging drivers.

The aim of this research was to examine the evidence regarding whether education, training and
publicity (ETP) increases young drivers safety on the roads. ETP aims to increase knowledge,
awareness and skills related to safe driving.

Ultimately studies attempt to link ETP to a reduction in crash involvement, but this is often complex to explore. Examination of the collision data suggests a number of key factors that are related to young drivers:

  • Young drivers are over-represented in road collisions compared to other road users
  • Young males are more prone to being in road collisions compared to young females
  • Speeding is a key contributory factor to collision involvement including exceeding the speed limit and driving too fast for the conditions
  • Collisions involving young drivers are more likely to occur during night time hours, on rural roads, involving single vehicle and on Fridays and Saturdays
  • Young drivers are often involved in collisions where they failed to cope with unexpected situations due to their inexperience

To read the full report click here.