THE Government intends the £25 levy to be charged on new cars to remain fixed at that level for a number of years to come. Consultation on the new fee ended last week.

With no indication that the Government planned to back down, the motor industry will have to comfort itself with transport minister Gavin Strang's assertion that: 'It's a fixed amount and I hope it will stay at that level for some time.' He was even more forthright on the Government's determination to reduce congestion and improve air quality, both areas where fiscal 'incentives' could come into force.

'We must learn to walk, cycle and use public transport more, integrating our transport needs with the environment, and it needs a partnership between central and local government, business and the local community,' said Strang. He highlighted the main challenges of the white paper on an integrated transport policy, and stressed that no change was not an option. The three goals are the facilitation of seamless journeys using different transport modes, a healthy environment, and a strong economy.