FLEET News Award-winning risk management firm Peak Performance Management has issued a 10-point guide on mobile phone safety in cars.

Les Hammond, the firm's director of Risk Management Services, said: 'All too often the car becomes the mobile office and there are so many demands on the individual's attention that driving safely and with consideration to other motorists is virtually impossible.

'As we do not recommend drivers undertake any action that distracts the motorist from driving, we strongly advise against the use of mobile phones in the car. Traffic situations constantly change and an accident can easily happen in seconds.

'Although hands-free kits may be fitted in cars, these are not a solution to the problem as drivers have been proved to be equally distracted as when using a phone manually. Staff should not be expected to answer their mobile phones while driving and should schedule time to respond once they have completed their journey or are parked.'

He said drivers should switch off the phone before starting the engine and check for messages only when they had parked.

The company's 10-tips for safe phone use:

  • Do not undertake any action that distracts you from driving
  • Do not undertake any action that reduces your vehicle control
  • Do not make or accept hand held calls or text messages whilst driving
  • Keep hands free calls to an 'I will call back' message
  • Do not attempt 'talk me in' directions while driving
  • Always use message divert or messaging services
  • Use codes for urgent messages
  • Use scheduled rest stops to make calls
  • Do not make or accept calls in standing traffic
  • Ensure the phone is always safely secured in the holder.