CARS Direct has launched an online real-time auction centre which enables companies to sell vehicles with disposal costs starting at £1.

Fleets can keep track of the bidding, with the screen adjusting each time an offer is made on a vehicle.

Fleet managers do not have to set a reserve and each bid is seen as provisional until Cars Direct confirms the deal.

The site has been in operation for six weeks and auctions take place twice a week on a Tuesday and Thursday, although bids can be taken throughout the week.

It is open to both trade and private bidders.

Trade buyers and other possible bidders are being targeted with a direct mail campaign.

Graham Johnstone, group chairman at Cars Direct, said: 'Internet access enables us to compete with major groups. Prices range from £1 to £100 for a full pack including collection of the vehicle and refurbishment.'

All vehicles featured on the site include a full description and photographs. Buyers are also able to obtain a quote for refurbishment and transport costs. The site doesn't just cover auction vehicles as there is a fixed price stock locator showing a selection of vehicles which have been refurbished and have a forecourt price.

Johnstone said: 'The fixed price locator enables smaller outlets to advertise a vehicle to potential customers without actually buying it.'

Cars Direct is working in conjunction with Perfectacar, which refurbishes the vehicles.