AVERAGE traffic speeds on motorways are getting faster, the Department for Transport (DfT) has claimed in a new report.

The report shows that traffic speeds on trunk roads have increased during the past three years.

Average speeds in 2003 were 0.9mph faster than in 2001 in the morning peak periods and 1.6mph faster during off-peak periods on motorways.

A DfT spokesman said: 'The largest increases in average off-peak speeds were on motorways. In the evening peak, speeds fell on motorways but increased on dual carriageway A-roads and remained almost unchanged on single carriageway A-roads.'

However, the report also shows that traffic speeds in general have declined since 1995 when the report was initially completed.

Average speeds during peak periods remain lower than in 1995 although average speeds during off-peak times are similar to 1995 levels.

  • Call 020 7944 8300 for a copy of the traffic speed report

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