A PUSH to win a commitment to cars with cleaner exhausts among company drivers was launched at a conference held on the day when Transport Secretary Alistair Darling launched the ‘green label’ for showrooms.

Darling was keynote speaker at a Low Carbon Vehicle Partnership (Low CVP) conference at the Heritage Motor Centre, Gaydon, Warwickshire.

Darling and other speakers at the conference emphasised the need to persuade business and private drivers to think about the environment when choosing a new car.

Recognising that cost will be the top consideration for most drivers, they pushed home the fact that better environmental performance means lower road tax and running costs. All 42 car brands in the UK have signed up to the voluntary display of the colour-coded environment label in showrooms. This will start in July and should be completed for the September 1 launch of 55-plate cars.

The Transport Secretary said the green label would enable people to make a more informed choice of car. For full story log on to: www.fleetnewsnet.co.uk