MOTORISTS will protest about speed cameras on the M4 slowing them down – by slowing down.

Thousands of vehicles are expected to join the ‘slow drive’ protest on Saturday. The area between Junctions 14 to 18 is expected to be worst hit, although police are hoping to keep disruption to a minimum by keeping the third motorway lane free.

Protest organiser Robin Summerhill said: ‘If the M4 protest does cause congestion then we would see that as a strong indication that the public believes policy is wrong.

If people were not upset, they wouldn’t attend and there would be no congestion. In short, we blame the Government.’

The RAC Foundation has called for a review of the fixed speed cameras between Junction 14 and 18 on the M4. The Wiltshire and Swindon Safety Camera Partnership introduced the fixed cameras to catch motorists travelling over 70mph.

Fleets could face a summer of road protests as protesters are warning they will start demonstrations unless politicians promise to cut tax on petrol and diesel in the run-up to the General Election on May 5. They would mirror those of the year 2000 when a number of road networks, as well as petrol stations and depots, were blocked.