FLEET managers’ performance at work is suffering because of stress and fatigue, according to findings from the Chartered Management Institute.

More than 1,500 managers from small and large organisations, including fleet managers, were polled and half claimed that workplace health was poor.

A third said stress had caused a loss of humour resulting in workplace pressure, while 21% said they had difficulty making decisions due to ill health.

Many attribute the problem to job-related pressure and the Chartered Management Institute says managers working in smaller firms were far more likely to do nothing when they experienced ill-health symptoms.

Mary Chapman, chief executive of the Chartered Management Institute, said: ‘With the impact of ill-health being keenly felt in the workplace, managers need a better understanding of the consequences of letting relatively minor symptoms escalate.’

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has guidance on management standards for tackling stress – visit www.hse.gov.uk.

Signs of stress

  • Irritable
  • Lacking in humour
  • Muscular tension/aches
  • Frequent headaches
  • Constant tiredness
  • Insomnia