What did you do before fleet management?
I worked in supplier management for eight years, on stationery, security printing of cheque books and the implementation of e-procurement within the group.

What is the most challenging part of your job?
Driving down costs and offering seamless, easy-to-use services to drivers is my greatest ongoing challenge. As fleet manager, I’m always looking to improve on current schemes and systems.

What have been your major successes so far?
The Work-Related Road Safety scheme we introduced is a significant development and a key concern because of the new corporate manslaughter legislation. I’m looking forward to seeing the positive outcomes it has on the fleet.

What would you say to anybody considering joining the fleet industry?
You won’t regret it – the diversity in this industry means there are so many exciting roles to take advantage of.

What was the first record you ever bought?
One Step Beyond by Madness.