KEY question answered by the experts.

Q: I am a secretary and part of my job is to manage a fleet of 15 vehicles. How can I keep up-to-date with risk assessment schemes?

A: Attending specific conferences on risk will help, but will not address the issues you have with your fleet specifically.

Most small fleets are run by people who already have another role to undertake and there is often a time limitation. The whole area of the law presents the same challenges for a 15-strong fleet as for a 1,500 car fleet – just a difference in scale.

There is also the hidden issue that you will also need policies and processes in place for the drivers using their own cars on company business. This is an area that is missed in all fleets in the UK – but is a huge time bomb which is gradually exploding. Our estimate is that 25% of drivers do not have the correct insurance for business use. The key is to undertake the risk area as a progressive task. Spend five minutes a day on the subject and you will find it all comes together quite quickly rather than making it a major project you will never complete.

Jeremy Hay
Essential Risk Consultancy