British Telecom has put its 50,000th driver through a risk assessment programme using Virtual Risk Manager’s RoadRISK assessment tool.

Some 10,000 drivers a year have been assessed since the programme started in 2002 and more than 30,000 drivers have undertaken driver training. BT believes its collision rates and costs have reduced by 40% during that time.

Interactive Driving Systems’ ongoing work with BT is providing detailed visibility on its collision data using Virtual Risk Manager’s CrashCOUNT module, which in turn will lead to the creation of a driver index to help managers target their most “at-risk” drivers.

As part of this program, BT is also rolling out Virtual Risk Manager across its 7,000 European-based drivers in a range of languages, and developing a risk foundation program to ensure that all drivers understand and comply with safety critical policies and procedures.

BT’s group risk manager, Dave Wallington, said: “Given our scale and scope, Virtual Risk Manager has allowed us to assess and reduce the risks faced by our people when they are out on the roads in the most cost-effective way.

“The results achieved have repaid our investment several times over and the ongoing system development will allow us even better visibility and linkages of all our risk assessment, training, collision and hopefully licence data streams.”