The European parliament has published a new report on the introduction of electric vehicles within the European market place and the challenges that the introduction of these new vehicles are facing.

The report identifies the importance of electric vehicles, including new market opportunities and new jobs as well as better energy efficiency and reduced greenhouse gas emissions. But also comments on the barriers that need to be overcome to be accepted within the market including battery life, market penetration and the charging infrastructure.

It reads ‘Despite great opportunities and rapid development it has to be noted that diverse transportation needs call for a strategy based on the complementary use of electric vehicles instead of simple substitution of the existing combustion engine. It is therefore estimated that a realistic market share for new, electrically chargeable vehicles would be 3 to 10% by 2020 to 2025. However, the market penetration can be further increased if current technological and economic barriers are addressed, adequate infrastructure for power supply is developed and new mobility patterns are accepted by potential customers.’

To read the full report click here