Isotrak will demonstrate its latest ATMSi developments at this year’s Commercial Vehicle Show.  Held at Birmingham’s NEC from 9 to 11 April, the company will be showing new Dashboard functionality for integrating mobile data communications and electronic proof of delivery (EPOD).

By integrating EPOD with ATMSi, the system provides the additional benefit of paperless data capture and direct communication to the office. This eliminates the need for the driver to carry traditional paper delivery notes and other documents and gives the customer service team the ability to respond to queries quicker and with greater accuracy. It also makes it easier and quicker to invoice for jobs.

Using any suitable wireless handheld computer, the driver can capture signatures, scan barcodes and photograph damaged or incomplete orders. With this handy timesaving mobile functionality, every part of the delivery process will benefit from efficiency improvements.

Isotrak will also demonstrate the benefits of using its mobile data module.