Hitachi Capital Vehicle Solutions is partnering with RBS Group in a unique contract to help communities in remote and rural locations meet their banking and financial needs.

For the last 65 years, RBS Group has been running a fleet of specially converted vans to provide a mobile branch banking service to those customers in remote locations without easy access to a bricks and mortar branch.

Hitachi Capital has been appointed to not only manage the fleet of 27 vehicles but also manage the downtime, should any vehicles be off the road.

It will also provide a 24 hour helpline for the RBS Group if there is any issue with the existing 27 converted long wheel base Ford Transit vans, ranging from 3.5t to the latest 4.2t with rear tail lift to provide access for disabled customers.

The contract to manage the fleet of mobile branch banking vehicles is part of a 5,684 strong vehicle deal which sees Hitachi Capital manage, finance and supply the entirety of RBS Group’s fleet needs from both the commercial vehicle and car leasing sides of the business.

Norman Davenport, mobile branch banking manager, said: “It is essential that our mobile branch banking service goes ahead every day as our customers in remote and rural locations depend on us being there to meet their financial needs. 

“With expanding the service to these communities, over the last 65 years, it was critical we worked with a fleet management company that could provide us with the best possible service.

“Hitachi Capital provides a highly professional service bringing a level of knowledge, experience and expertise to the partnership, which covers areas that are not normally found within the financial services sector.”

Simon Oliphant, chief executive officer of Hitachi Capital Vehicle Solutions, said: “We provide vehicles for a diverse range of requirements but the partnership with the RBS Group is unique as the customers are depending on the service in order to carry out their daily lives. 

“We take for granted our access to our banks and cash points but for those living in remote and rural communities they simply may not have access to money.  The service is a vital one which many depend on.”