CHP Consulting has produced a newly updated whitepaper on changing standards in lease accounting, to address the latest output from the IASB and FASB.

The fully revised Lease Accounting Reform: The Systems Impact for Asset Finance Lessorsreflects the latest proposals from the Boards, together with notes from their redeliberation meetings, up to July 2014.

In the paper, CHP provides an overview of the current accounting standards, condenses the Exposure Draft feedback, summarises the tentative decisions made by the Boards in their redeliberations for both lessor and lessee accounting, and considers the systems implications for lessors.

In May 2013, the Board issued a revised proposal for a new lease accounting standard. Although this proposal was generally considered an improvement over the original Exposure Draft published in August 2010, it nevertheless attracted much comment, with many respondents disagreeing with various aspects of both lessee and lessor accounting. Towards the end of 2013, the Boards began to redeliberate their proposals.