Charge Your Car (CYC) reached 100,000 electric vehicle charging sessions on its network on February 4, 2014.

This means that the total kWh drawn has surpassed 549,399.

Included in those sessions was the drive from London to Edinburgh in a day by David Peilow and Robert Lewellyn in a Nissan Leaf in January 2014.

The network now has 230 post owners enrolled, resulting in 1,535 charging points managed by CYC with 1,637 registered users.

Charge Your Car works with the CYC Lifetime Card, a single RFID card that can be used across the UK with all charge points on the network.

The CYC card is also accepted on the Ecotricity Network and the CYC network also accepts the BMW Drive Now card.

The CYC system, built on open source software, is also the first pay-as-you-go service available to EV owners and brings together drivers, charge point owners, public sector organisations and charge point manufacturers in a network accessible to all, which is monitored 24 hours, seven days a week.

CYC offers charge post owners a full billing service; revenue is collected from drivers via the pay-by-phone system, by account linked to the RFID card and with the CYC App. 

The Charge Your Car app introduced in 2013 means that drivers can charge a car as soon as the app is downloaded.  

Features include a search facility, a live map that shows the current status of all charge points across the network and the ability to start/stop a session using the app.