Andeva Underwriting Agency has launched Fuel Protect, a £20 a year insurance product which aims to address the risk of mis-fuelling incidents.

The company says this substantially minimises both costs and consequences.

It is estimated that around 150,000 people every year put the wrong kind of fuel in their cars.

“This new product is designed to address the reality of thousands of breakdowns on UK roads for £20 a year, per vehicle,” said Rachel Harris, managing director of Andeva Underwriting Agency.

She said Fuel Protect-insured motorists enjoy peace of mind as Andeva Underwriting Agency has chosen Auto Fuel Fix’s specialists to attend the scene, drain the contaminated fuel and ensure that the vehicle can be restarted to continue its journey with minimum inconvenience, waiting time, costs and further damage.

If the vehicle cannot be restarted, it is recovered to a repair garage at no charge (if within a 30-mile radius).

“The alternative, of course, is to pay for a costly recovery service, garage repair fees, having one’s vehicle off the road for a few days, and a final bill for anything between £3,000 and £5,000,” added Harris.