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By Andrew Lawson, Director of Fleet at EO Charging

Whatever the size of your fleet, first dedicate time to map out a clear electrification strategy.

Whether you do this yourself or with the support of a third party, it’s vital your strategy considers what your vehicle fleet might look like in three to five years’ time. Planning for scalability now will save you time and money as your fleet grows.

So, if you have just five vehicles today or 5,000 across 70 depots in five countries, how do you identify where to begin, and which vehicles or routes can be electrified?

Each fleet is different, so it’s important you analyse existing vehicle telematics data and assess the current energy profile of the site you plan to use for charging. At EO, we call this a Smart Fleet Consultation.

No telematics data? Don’t panic. Simply gather as many insights as possible on the distance and routes your vehicles are travelling each day and where they return to.

There are two important questions to ask next: a) when and how will your electric fleet vehicles be used? This informs when they will need to be charged and the profile of charge points required. And b) what electric supply is currently available on site?

By analysing your site’s existing electrical supply and usage, along with your expectations around the fleet’s operational requirements, you can identify the best pathways for electrification, as well as any site upgrades required.

This approach will help prevent unnecessary infrastructure investments and low charge point utilisation rates. But it can also demonstrate what success looks like to hesitant decision makers in the business, securing buy-in for the wider project.

For more information, contact us:
● view our website here

● +44 (0) 333 7720383