Ctrack has launched a telematics solution which will help electronically and remotely manage the availability, access and usage of cars and vans for vehicle sharing initiatives.

The new solution will use Ctrack telematics units to provide all the necessary data capture and operational control, including activating and accessing vehicles remotely – using RFID cards or a smartphone app – tracking their whereabouts and capturing journey data for accurate billing. Positioning data will also be able to be shared with mobile or web-based booking and management tools to help customers identify the location and status of potential vehicle pool locations.

In addition, driver ID technology will allow organisations to verify drivers based on approved lists and the latest member subscriptions, while driver behaviour feedback can be provided in real-time via an in-vehicle device or through a smartphone application.

John Wisdom, managing director of Ctrack said: “There is an increasing demand from businesses and consumers for short-term vehicle rental, where occasional use or access to a different vehicle type is temporarily required. However, there are clear difficulties in terms of how best to coordinate the availability, access and usage of such vehicles. We have used our longstanding expertise within the telematics sector to develop a solution that overcomes some of the challenges faced by vehicle sharing schemes and rental businesses.”