WORN windscreen wipers and empty screen wash bottles could cost fleets or their drivers a fine of £1,000 according to RAC Auto Windscreens, which is warning that drivers caught with no screen wash fluid or worn wipers risk prosecution.

Richard Usher, RAC Auto Windscreens' executive director, said: 'More than half of all motorists are believed to drive for several days with an empty washer bottle and do not check the condition of their wiper blades after a long winter.'

He said the average life of a wiper blade is six months, but most drivers replace wipers every two years. The hazards of summer driving such as worn wiper blades, empty washer bottles, fly stains, dust and low-level sunlight, can seriously impair a driver's vision.

Mary Williams, chief executive of road safety organisation Brake, said: 'Common sense says it is essential to see the road clearly to drive safely. Drivers should check windows and mirrors are clear every time they get behind the wheel. Anyone with a dirty windscreen does not only risk a fine - they could also risk someone's life.'

  • RAC Auto Windscreens has produced a 'screen valet pack' that contains a screen wash, a trigger spray, glass cleaner and deep cleansing windscreen treatment products. The pack costs £12.95 and is available from the 161 fitting centres. To find your nearest centre call 0800 919 700.