FLEET drivers sent abroad from the UK could unintentionally find themselves over the limit if they take the risk of drinking and driving.

Many EU countries impose stricter thresholds while serving stronger beer and studies from the Automobile Association (AA) have shown that in a large number of European countries, the legal limit is 50mg of alcohol per 100ml of blood, compared to 80mg in the UK.

Some countries even have a threshold as low as 20mg, equivalent to one small glass of wine or half a pint of lager.

The severity of punishment for drink drivers also varies across Europe. Some countries impose on-the-spot fines while others provide a sobering-up period before motorists are allowed to resume driving.

Drink limits

Country…. Mg alcohol/ml blood
Austria ….50
Belgium…. 50
France…. 50
Germany…. 50
Greece…. 50
Ireland…. 80
Italy…. 50
Netherlands…. 50
Norway…. 20
Portugal…. 50
Spain…. 50
Switzerland…. 80
United Kingdom…. 80