A COURSE has been launched to help fleet managers prepare for the worst – when a member of staff is killed on the roads.

The on-site training session has been launched by road safety charity Brake and provided by disaster management specialist Rosie Murray, who trains professionals ranging from employers to police family liaison officers.

The course examines issues such as how to help people affected by tragedy to cope with their grief and trauma; counselling and medical services; practical assistance employers can offer and helping families to cope.

Murray said: ‘You have a duty of care to your staff. It is important to understand the immediate and long-term effects of loss. This is vital for the continuity of your business if the worst happens.

The benefits of getting it right are incalculable, the costs of getting it wrong can be very bad.’ The one-day course is delivered on-site, at a date convenient to employers and for up to 10 employees at a total cost of £495.

  • More details from Jeremy Conroy on 01484 559909