Kevin Holley
Customer service manager
VT Software Solutions

Fleet NewsNet caught up with Kevin Holley to talk about his first few months with VT Software Solutions.

Sum up your first six months in three words
Enjoyable, busy, directional.

What have been your main responsibilities over the past few months?
I needed to streamline how we handled our customer service and support. When I joined there were separate customer support teams for each product. Each had a different approach to customer support and my first objective was to share best practice from each team and ensure that they became our blueprint for customer service across the board. It ensures we provide the best level of service possible.

Have there been any issues that you wish you’d handled differently?
No, the experience has been very enjoyable and I’m pleased with how things are going. We have shared our plans to improve customer service with a number of our clients and so far feedback has been extremely positive. The team has been extremely receptive to the suggested changes and as a result we can deliver a higher level of service just three months after beginning the process.