Q: I’VE been invited back to a company for a second interview. I’ve never been through this before – what will it entail?

A: REACHING this stage is a sign that you have acquitted yourself well. You are likely to have demonstrated some of the skills mapped against the job description.

A second interview will be more searching, as interviewers look to uncover skills in greater depth, test aptitude and abilities and match these against the role and other candidates.

Take time to reflect on the first interview. If you were sent via a recruitment agency, ask for feedback. Which skill-sets do you still need to show? Have you any evidence to demonstrate capabilities in areas you may not have covered so well, first time around? Focusing on these issues is one way to demonstrate you have really thought about the role and mapped your own abilities to their needs.

You may be asked about weaknesses and you need to show an understanding of where you have room for growth.

Admitting to flaws is one way to demonstrate honesty, but it is also a way to suggest that you have room to grow into the role.

You should also consider what you want to ask them as getting the ‘right fit’ is critical for both parties. Clearly you have made a positive impression. Now you have the opportunity to drive this home, but the essential thing is to supplement initial impressions with the evidence that you are the right person for the job.

Director, marketing and corporate affairs, Chartered Management Institute