Tony Theobald, transport manager, University of Greenwich

  • How many vehicles are you responsible for?
    I am responsible for 16 commercial vehicles, two 17-seat minibuses and two cars.

  • How long have you been at the company?
    The transport deptartment in its present form has been in existence since September 1996 and I have done this job from the outset.

  • What is the best part of the job?
    Getting all tasks carried out efficiently and keeping our customers throughout the university satisfied – the students, academics and support staff.

  • And the worst?
    During the winter months especially after sub-zero temperature nights which take a toll on vehicle batteries.

  • What was your first job after school?
    With the Post Office Telecommunications (known now as BT). I worked there for 32 years before joining the University of Greenwich.

  • What would be your dream job?
    To still be in charge of security at the BT Tower, which I was for the last 20 years of my time with BT before early retirement.