Settling In – Bill Jones, chief executive,

How was your first day?
Daunting. I had to make my own coffee – welcome to the low- cost world. It was a shock to the system to go from a major multinational company to a smaller, leaner operation. Having made the adjustment, I have to say I now find it liberating and wouldn’t have it any other way.

How does your new role differ from your last one at Hertz?
Quite fundamentally. EasyCar,.com is a much smaller business where decisions made this morning can have an impact this afternoon – be they good or bad.

How is the rental market changing?
As we speak, demand is slowing, supply is tightening and still pricing is flat .

What has been your greatest challenge in the role so far?
Convincing the company’s share-holders of the above. However, I’m fortunate to have a board that doesn’t interfere in the day to day running of the business.

What has been your greatest achievement?
Getting to the office in Camden Town by public transport. I did it for four months but now we’ve moved to Uxbridge, which I can drive to.

What is your favourite holiday destination?
Mauritius – the resorts are paradise , the service is exquisite and the wine is so expensive it stops me from drinking too much.