According to a survey by Trimble MRM, poor driving technique, inaccurate fuel gauges and bad record keeping are all contributing to companies being unaware of the real consequences of their fuel usage. The drive to make business more fuel efficient is forcing fleet managers to take a look at their vehicles and driver behaviour.

“As fuel prices rise, understanding where fuel is being used the most or unnecessarily wasted is crucial for businesses,” says Andrew Yeoman, managing director of Trimble MRM.

“Guesses on fuel card and mileage logs are at best problematic and open to mistakes or abuse. The key to achieving fuel savings is real-time data from individual vehicles linked to a specific driver.”

The emergence of new diagnostic solutions allows businesses to draw information directly from each vehicle and report on faults, performance, and exactly where fuel is being wasted.

Companies can also receive information on individual driver behaviour patterns, such as speed, style, braking or acceleration, giving fleet managers a real insight into which employees need additional training or to regulate their behaviour.

By identifying drivers who do need to make changes, managers can focus on making improvements for the minority rather than taking a broad approach across an entire company – which can be time consuming and expensive.

Find out if you could save on what your fleet is paying in petrol, visit the fleet news petrol prices page for more information.