An insurance scheme has been launched designed to help public sector fleets cut CO2 emissions and save money.

The policy from Brian Johnson & Co could potentially cut premiums by 20% when combined with driver training.

Fleets that commit to driver training should see immediate savings of between 10 and 15% by switching to the policy, which uses a car’s CO2 emissions to determine its annual premium.

The policy also sets an annual mileage limit and offers a pence-per-mile refund for vehicles below mileage at the end of each year. If the annual mileage limit is exceeded – typically 15,000 – they are penalised at the rate.

The insurance provider currently insurers almost half of the NHS’s 50,000 vehicles and has put some 5,000 NHS employees through driver training, which is provided by Peak Performance.

The insurer is now looking to attract non-NHS public sector fleets with the new green policy.

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