Aston Barclay Car Auction Group has developed a vehicle data system which, it says, will be the benchmark for the fleet vehicle remarking industry.

Christened ‘Dashboard’, the web-based program provides Aston Barclay’s dealer and fleet vehicle vendors with information relating to their vehicles. ‘Dashboard’ is set to be rolled out to every vendor using Aston Barclay’s centres in Essex, Shropshire and Wiltshire.

Tim Hudson, who took over as Aston Barclay’s managing director in August last year, said: ”Information, specifically sale performance, time to sell and information relating to unsold vehicles, is paramount for vendors to maintain an accurate understanding of the current position in relation to their vehicle inventory.”

“Prior to ‘Dashboard’, the reporting system we used – which was pretty standard for the industry - was statistically heavy and inflexible. Having questioned our vendors we were concerned that they were not actually making effective use of it. We have developed ‘Dashboard’ as an extremely user friendly and flexible online tool. In an instant, and with total clarity, it provides precise and up to date information for every vehicle we hold.”

“’Dashboard’ will, critically, enable a disposal manager to benchmark what is happening in the market on a sale by sale basis and ensure that his vehicle inventory reflects the current market trends”

Hudson added: “Our business plan has always been to raise our level of service to a degree never seen before in the industry, ‘Dashboard’ is a prime example of that goal and it will not stop there, it has been designed to be organic and will grow and further develop.”