The latest Department for Transport road casualty statistics released today show a welcome decrease in the overall number of deaths and serious injuries in the first half of 2013 compared to last year. However, the IAM are concerned that two-wheeled road users are still a growing risk and must be given even greater priority for investment and education.

  • For reported road accidents in the year ending June 2013: 1,730 people were killed, a 3 per cent drop from 1,785 in the year ending June 2012. The number of people killed or seriously injured fell to 23,530, a 5 per cent decrease compared with the year to June 2012.
  • Overall for year ending June 2013, there were 185,540 reported road casualties, 7 per cent fewer than the 199,091 for the year ending June 2012.
  • There were decreases in the number of casualties for car users and pedestrians of 12 and 3 per cent respectively, with similar falls in the numbers of KSI casualties – 9 per cent for car users and 7 per cent for pedestrians. However, there were increases in the number of casualties for motorcyclists (4 per cent) and pedal cyclists (12 per cent), with an 8 per cent increase in the number of motorcyclist KSI casualties and a 4 per cent increase in pedal cyclist KSI casualties. 

IAM director of policy and research Neil Greig said: “Once again the latest casualty figures show the increasing risks for vulnerable cyclists and motorcyclists.  Spring and summer will always be the most dangerous months for those on two wheels but that must not be allowed to obscure the need to focus on their safety.  Investment in segregated cycling facilities must keep pace with the rising demand for cycling.  Road designs that help car drivers can often be fatal for motorcyclists so engineers must learn to 'think bike' when they build barriers, signposts and new surfaces.”