Teesside University and Tadea have added new dates to a fully-funded driver training programme for SMEs in the north east.

The half-day training packages will take place at Tadea's Effective Transport Solutions training facility in Washington from 12.30-5pm on April 22,  May 12 and 26, and June 4, 12 and 22.

The training will cover three EAL accredited units in hazard perception, fuel efficiency and tired driving. 

Drivers will learn techniques to minimise fuel consumption and the risks of potential and developing hazards on the road.

Clement Gonnet, from Renoovo Design, has previously undertaken Tadea’s fully-funded driver training.

He said: "I've done my comparison before and after the  training and the difference is staggering.

"My mpg went from 35 on my way to the training to 72 on my way back. On top of doubling my fuel efficiency I also saved two minutes on my journey home.”

Tadea’s Effective Transport Solutions hosts a simulator suite which can mimic situations including weather conditions such as ice, snow, rain, high winds and thick fog.

The offer of fully-funded traing is available through Teesside University’s REPS (Resource Efficiency Pathways to Sustainable Growth) programme.

The university will gather data prior to, during and after the training and analyse the cost benefits of fuel efficient driver training to the businesses involved.