£60,000 savings from one meeting

The Government-backed Business in the Community organisation, manages Ways2work, a business-led organisation dedicated to promoting alternatives to commuting and business travel.

Chief executive Stephen Howard says the recession has provided a turning point in how companies approach corporate responsibility.

He said: “Business leaders can work together to create a new era of responsibility and restore confidence in business.

“Responsible leadership is ensuring social and environmental issues are factored into the core business model.”

One Ways2work organisation, Glaxo-SmithKline, has made a huge global investment in conferencing systems around the world including tele-conferencing and web conferencing facilities, desktop and personal video-conference units, 500 dedicated video-conferencing rooms in 68 countries and 16 tele-presence suites, all supported by employee behavioural change programmes.

Using such technology for one meeting alone involving 70 senior managers from around the world resulted in cost savings of £60,000, reduced 140,000 miles worth of air travel and 24 tonnes of CO2.

Fujitsu Group is making ‘significant savings’ after installing a fully hosted BT Conferencing system.

The company says: “As well as improving business efficiency, the communication and collaboration platform is reducing the need for business travel, contributing to cost reduction measures and lowering carbon emissions in support
of the company’s sustainability goals.”