THE Association of British Drivers (ABD) is challenging the UK's company car drivers to better their road safety skills by being OAPs. By this, the ABD means Observe, Anticipate and Plan.

Road safety spokesman Mark McArthur-Christie said: 'We hear a lot about people breaking the speed limit, but the key road safety question is 'what's the safe speed for the conditions?' There's no defence for running over a child at any speed – we want drivers to avoid accidents, not just stick to a limit and hope. OAP is one way to do this.'

The ABD believes OAP shows the three key elements of safe driving:

  • Observation – drivers need to constantly look around, checking for reflections in shop windows, movement behind parked cars and children on pavements.

  • Anticipation – if there's a child standing on the pavement, drivers should expect it to run out and therefore slow down.

  • Planning – drivers should plan ahead, not just wait for accidents to happen.

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