SPEED cameras are to be used to display posters dedicated to people who have died in speed-related road accidents.

The 'Remember Me' sign campaign has already been operating for more than a year, with roadside memorials to the dead and seriously injured highlighted by a striking black background with a scarlet flower.

The flower represents a scarlet anemone – associated in myth-ology with love and loss.

'Remember Me' signs are the first ever nationwide public acknowledgement of those killed, bereaved and injured on Britain's roads and a total of 1,800 are now displayed.

But for the first time, they will now be put on speed cameras.

In the latest development, the parents and family of three victims of a fatal speed-related road traffic collision, joined senior management from Transport for London, last week, along with London Mayor's road safety ambassador Jenny Jones and the Metropolitan Police at an event to commemorate the death and unveil the memorials.

Two safety cameras on the stretch of road from the North Circular Road to Durnsford Road, will feature the 'Remember Me' sign with images of three of the victims. At that site, there have been a total of 36 casualties, with five fatalities and four serious injuries in the three-year period to December 2003.

The signs aim to provide a permanent memorial to lives lost or affected in road crashes, offer a warning to other road users and act as a focus for the work of RoadPeace, the charity behind the scheme. It has provided dedicated support and advice to road crash victims for more than 11 years.

During this time, the organisation has also sought to highlight the scale and preventable nature of road deaths and injuries and the injustices and lack of recognition suffered by road crash victims in the UK.

Peter Hendy, managing director, Surface Transport, Transport for London, said: 'I welcome the support from RoadPeace and am confident these signs will demonstrate to drivers the link between excess speed and road deaths. Since the commissioning of the cameras, there has been a marked reduction in speed which is our overall aim.'

Mrs Sue Cini, parent of victim Lee Cini, said: 'I feel it is so important we have these safety cameras as they can and I'm sure will, save lives and reduce casualties. I believe if these cameras had been here before my son Lee and the others died, they would all still be alive today. I feel that people who are against safety cameras are thinking only of themselves.'

Cini's son Lee, 20, was in a vehicle that was hit by a car thought to be travelling at 80mph.

Speed detector FACT FILE

  • GPS detectors will not be banned. These use global satellite positioning to compare the location of the car to surrounding speed cameras and warn when a device is approaching. Camera locations can be updated via an internet connection

  • Some devices can also contain an expanded database listing other black spots, such as sharp corners

  • Radar and laser detectors have been legal but will be banned

  • These rely on a unit in the car sensing the presence of an active speed camera

  • Jamming devices, which stop police speed detection units from fixing on a numberplate, will remain illegal

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