FLEET NEWS’ sister site, Company CarDriver (CCD), has added average regional petrol prices to its portfolio of free services.

Users of the free website can now search through the database which includes diesel, petrol and LPG prices for every county in the UK.

The pence-per-litre and pence-per-gallon figures are provided and updated every week by fleet and fuel management group Arval.

A link is also sent out in the CCD news email twice a week to help you and your drivers check on prices.

To access this new feature you must register. Go to www.companycardriver.co.uk/register. It only takes a few seconds.

This improvement to the site was in response to requests from fleet managers at the Fleet News Forums in Brighton earlier this year. If you have any suggestions on how CCD could be improved, please contact us: ccd@emap.com.