The Freight Transport Association's ‘Cutting Carbon, Cutting Costs Conference’, which takes place on Wednesday, May 22, at the Heritage Motor Museum, Gaydon, Warwickshire, will be an interactive event providing specialised carbon reduction advice for freight operators with a range of workshops to suit their own fleet and business.

The conference will provide delegates with information to help them improve their efficiency, reduce carbon emissions and ultimately lower fuel costs, and will also celebrate individual companies' efforts to reduce their carbon emissions with the presentation of the inaugural Logistics Carbon Reduction Scheme (LCRS) Awards.

The conference, which is sponsored by LCRS industry partner Bridgestone Tyres and Iveco Trucks, will include an address from Professor David Cebon, Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Cambridge, on the role of freight in greening the transport sector, and delegates can choose from a range of sessions throughout the day to suit their operation.

Places are available to FTA members at £325 + VAT for the first delegate and £275 + VAT for subsequent delegates, and to non-members at £385 + VAT for the first delegate and £345 + VAT for subsequent delegates. 

LCRS members, Logistics Carbon Working Group attendees and CarbonFTA subscribers will receive £100 discount on the above prices.  For further information or to book a place, go to the website or call the FTA Member Service Centre on 08717 11 22 22.