Glasgow City Council has declared that the city will remain ‘open for business’ during the Commonwealth Games, which take place this summer from July 23 to August 3.

The Freight Transport Association’s conference ‘Managing deliveries and servicing during the Commonwealth Games 2014’ aims to give goods vehicle operators the information and guidance they need in order to operate seamlessly before and during the Games. The conference is sponsored by ATS Euromaster and Volvo.

Glasgow Chamber of Commerce will talk about the business community’s expectations and needs for freight servicing and deliveries during the Games, and the Games organisers will give information on the Games Route Network, including times, areas, venues and restrictions on freight movements, collections and deliveries, and how this will affect operators.

With a series of events going on during 2014 in addition to the Commonwealth Games, transport resilience is going to be key, and Transport for Scotland will talk about the plans it will implement.

Other subjects to be covered at the conference include the legacy of the 2012 Olympics, the services and information FTA will be providing to assist members in preparing for the Games, and advice from freight operators who are already preparing for the Games having learned the lessons of the Olympics, including their experiences and top tips. 

In addition, Police Scotland will talk about security and contingency planning.

Chris MacRae, FTA’s head of policy for Scotland, said: “Information and planning are the key requisites to enable the logistics industry to maintain service to customers during the changed operational requirements imposed by the Games. 

“FTA’s conference will give that information and allow for discussion of the issues with the organiser, stakeholders and the logistics industry.”

To book a place, call the FTA member service centre on 08717 112222 or email, or complete the online booking form by clicking here.